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A 'free-er' market response would be much better in vaccinating all citizens. It would lead to mass production and better results. India's vaccination campaign was a dud because of high amount of wastage and no incentives to supply and demand.

SII already had 100 million production capacity, but what they were doing with it? They were making other vaccines because coronavirus vaccine gave them less margins. Only if you provide them with more margins, then only they can move production away from producing other vaccines. They have to pay 50% of price to AZ, so they were actually selling at cost. They were ready to sell at cost, so that they can sell it at profit later on.

Only when there are free markets, can products be delivered efficiently. By the way, I differ with the sentiment that Indians are too poor to afford vaccines, granted BPL has to be given for free, but for those who can afford the vaccine, they could be taxed so that they can make vaccines free for poor people, these techniques can be done to incentivize production and supply.

To protect as many people as possible, we need to vaccinate people through hook or crook. The priority should be to save lives, and not enforce social redistribution of misery.

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